Sunday, March 2, 2008

Party Time for the Lil' Monkey

For Mr. Garrett’s 2nd birthday it only seemed fitting that it be held at Chuck E Cheese. The guests arrived by 10:00 to celebrate this very special occasion. CEC was not busy and it ran very smoothly. I had a reservation or two about having the party there, but in the end I am glad that we did.

I had been so sick prior to the BIG Day with the awful flu that has been going around. I was able to pull myself together and attend the party. My mom had to take charge for me though ~ there was simply no way I was up to taking care of everything. Oh who am I kidding, that is me with anything I do!!!
I’m so sorry I just made this post about my special little boy all about me. I have a bad habit of doing that….Sorry Garrett!

For me, the cake is the center of the party. I have a huge obsession with having the prefect cake. Garrett’s theme was Curious George, because Garrett is my lil’ monkey. He is just like George….always into something and yet very adorable while up to mischief. I was just tickled pink with the cake. I thought it turned out perfectly! If you look up at George’s left elbow/shoulder area you will see that the cake has been tampered with. Mr. Garrett stepped on the box that the cake was in right before the party. I almost had heart failure. Luckily he didn't fall completely on the box!!!
It's Happy Birthday time! We started signing "Happy Birthday To You" days before his party and he just loves the song. He signs along and thinks it is terrific. My Mom helped him blow out the candles b/c I didn't want to breathe all over the cake. I'm sure the guests were pleased with my decision! I do believe it was Garrett’s mission to destroy this cake! He kept trying to smack it. He accomplished this goal once! Unfortunately for Mr. Garrett his piece of cake was almost all icing
Daddy tried to help him with it but Garrett was disgusted and replied "Uck".
The most memorable part of the party for me will be Garrett dancing and singing. He loved it and had so much fun. He is full of life.
Nolan was disturbed with Melody and me at this moment. Not sure what was going through Miss Maggie's mind....
Nolan had spent the night at a friends house the night prior so he was VERY tired!
Garrett was Uncle Dennis's lil' buddy. They played a lot of games together and this one was Garrett's favorite! Of course it was, b/c he was able to make a mess with the water.A sweet pic of Miss Livia. Isn't that smile just so sweet? Next year she will be down chasing Garrett everywhere...or maybe he'll be chasing her! Garrett loves his cousin very much. I wish we would have gotten a pic of them two together....
Garrett had a lot of fun playing in this car with his cousin Riley.

A very good picture taken by Amanda of Matthew and myself with our handsome and adventurous lil' boy.
Happy Birthday Garrett. I hope you had a wonderful time at your very special party.
I think he did have a wonderful day. He fell fast asleep watching Handy Manny on the "T".
Isn't this picture priceless?


carrie said...

Happy Birthday to your darling boy!

That cake is sooooo cute!

Anonymous said...

What a fun party! And I love how you mix the pictures in with your posts. VV nice. Dre