Two weeks and four days since my last post.
Friday, August 1st, the Monkey had surgery.
He had his ear tubes removed and new ones put in, along with his adenoids removed.
We arrived at the hospital 2 hours prior to surgery time.
He was so happy and playing great with his toys, even enjoyed watching TV.
Once it was time to prep him for surgery, he became very agitated.
When it was time for the nurse to take him back to the O.R., he screamed and cried for me.
After surgery they carried him back to me crying and disoriented.
The anesthesiologist told me he was pretty sure everyone in the O.R. was able to hear my little boy.
It took awhile for him to come out of the drowsiness but once he did he was in great spirits.
Here is he is almost an hour after his surgery
AND, here he is a little bit later.
At home trying to rest while watching the Disney Channel!
I can tell a huge in improvement in him since the surgery.
I know he is feeling much better.
Bedroom Makeover for the Princess
Before and after photo of her dresser
So hard to believe summer is over and another school year is beginning.
Superhero is in 2nd grade
Princess is in her third and last year of preschool
Monkey is embracing his first year of preschool
Back to school = No T.V. at bedtime.
No T.V. at bedtime = Sad, sad kiddos.
At this very moment they are praying for the weekend to arrive!!
The weather has been fabulous.
Highs in the 80's with a light breeze.
Superhero and I went on several bike rides and it was SO much fun!
I played a little baseball with the boys. I'm really horrible, but they still let me play!
Hope everyone has a great week and I can't wait to catch-up on your blogs!!